Liturgy and Ritual
Worship in the Episcopal Church is said to be liturgical, meaning that the structure of our worship and the prayers that we pray don’t change greatly from week to week. This sameness from week to week gives worship a rhythm that becomes comforting and familiar to the worshipers. Our worship also follows patterns that have been used in Christian worship for centuries, and in countless places, so our worship anchors us to our Christians in all times and all places. If the customs and worship of The Episcopal Church are new to you, let the congregation carry you along in the liturgy, and know that we welcome your conversation and questions. Episcopalians are comfortable with a wide variety of physical expressions of devotion and adoration during worship. You may see people bowing, making the sign of the cross, sitting, kneeling or standing, or all three, throughout the service. You are free to participate in ways that you are comfortable. If you are not comfortable or able to kneel at the times indicated in the bulletin, please stand. If you are not able to stand, please remain seated. |